Online typing work from home

Online typing work from home
Online typing work from home

 Online typing work from home


                     Today I will tell you about a work-from-home in which you have no need of any skill, experience, or qualification.

 Actually, this is a video capturing job a type of transcribing job in which there is a video or audio which you listen to and convert into text form, and then you get paid out from this. So let started

First, we have to understand some questions.

1. Where to get the job?

2. What work do you have to do?

3. What is the payout?

4. Who can apply?

5. How you can apply?

1. Where to get the job?

                                This job does on and does sign up on this website.

2. What work do you have to do?

                                       On this website, there will be meetings, interviews, conferences, audio files, video files, etc. listen to these and convert them into text format mean what you're listening to writing the same thing. And all files are in English and you also type in English. So, it is very compulsory that you know English very well.

3. What is the payout?

                                Now if we discuss payout, then they pay $0.5 to $1.5 per minute means if they give you 10 minutes of audio file or video file then you get around $10 for converting 10 minutes file now if you're thinking that they give $10 in 10 minutes, so it is not like this converting 10 minutes file into video format take 1 hour but if you are new in this, and it can take 2 hours as well.

 If you convert 10 minutes file in one hour, then you get Pakistani 750rs in one hour, so it is good for beginners who want to work from home and who are new in this industry, so this is an excellent way for these people.

4. Who can apply?

                           For this you have no need of any qualification, anybody can apply for this job. The big eligibility criteria that I would recommend is you have known about native English. 

If you watch English movies, documentaries, etc. then you will understand native English very well, if you understand then you will easily type listening.

 For this, you also have to increase your typing speed because you have to immediately listen and type with it. So native English and typing are more required for this job to do.

 Instead of this anybody can apply, there are no restrictions.

5. How you can apply?

1. Create an account:

                               The first thing you have to do is to create an account on it is easy you have to create it by yourself.

2. Grammar test:

                             You will have to pass a grammar test, grammar test is effortless you have to pass it in 2 minutes.

3. Style guide:

                     You have to understand the style guide for this. They will tell you step by step how you can do video transcribing etc. By this, your later work will become was so read-style guide very well.

4. Capturing test:

                            They guide you step by step that how to do work, so now they take a test that how you change capturing in the text format your result is how If your correction will good then they will hire you and accept your application.

 But in case your fail tests so don't worry you can apply after a few months that is the positive point. Instead of this, they give you training in video capturing, but that is the paid training and I believe that it is inexpensive for your DA to do on some dollars if you are genuinely interested to do this job.

 When your application will accept they will start to give you work. Now here is the workload you have to choose according to you. In this job you have more categories of health, music, and entertainment you have to select for work mean that video and audio files that you think can do easily.

After this, I want to mention to you that it is the modern age and most people search to do work from home or online job, so they already have more application forms if you apply now then your application form this in 4 to 6 weeks then they will read your application form. So go to apply today and they will reply, and you give a test.


                    Now in the modern age, most people work from home or online job and earn money. So if you have no skills, no experience, you will try this job and start earning.

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    Wish you best of luck 😊


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