How To Post Anonymously On Facebook


How To Post Anonymously On Facebook
How To Post Anonymously On Facebook

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook


Here we are discussing Facebook. Facebook provides more security and privacy to their customers and day by day provides new features to their customers like locking your profile, hiding your privacy from everyone, and also providing us a feature to anonymously post in a Facebook group.

Here we are discussing Facebook features if someone wants to post in a group and wants to don’t show their name with their name for that’s Facebook provides us protection in this article we explain how to do it.

 For that if you would like to share a legal post in a group with an anonymous profile then the group admin check and approve that because the group admin and moderator have control of their group if they want to share your anonymous post they will share but a good feature Facebook provide us. 

And another thing is how to open the option of anonymously posting from our profile that also we are showing in screenshots, please follow the next steps 

Why do I post anonymously?

Here is why someone wants to post anonymously and why Facebook provides this feature for groups.

 If someone wants to protect their private profile name from other group members and wants to share posts then the anonymous post option is good for them.

How to anonymously post in the Facebook group

1. Go to your profile and click on the option group

2. Now select the group of anyone you followed and want to share a post in which one of that

3. Then create a new post 

4. Upright side there is the option for an anonymous post

5. Click on that and open that and share the post 

Now wait for the admin they will approve your post and share then your that post will be anonymously posted in that group.


How To Post Anonymously On Facebook
How To Post Anonymously On Facebook

How to enable anonymously Post in your Facebook group

To enable anonymously post in your

1. Facebook group just login to your Facebook account

2. And then click in three lines right corners of your Facebook

3. And click on groups then click on the option your group then

4. Then click on the option manage

5. Now scroll down and click on a group setting

6. Scroll down and in Manage Discussion click anonymously posting

7. If off, then on the option for your group.

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook
How To Post Anonymously On Facebook

Why can't I post anonymously in followed Facebook groups

Why we can’t post anonymously in our following Facebook groups maybe the admin of our joined group is off anonymously posting or disabled the option already.

Sometimes if you want to post anonymously in the group admin and moderator check first your post and if the post follows the group's rules then the admin or moderator publishes your post and if you did not join the group you are not allowed to post in the group.

Advantage of Anonymously posting

The good advantage and benefit are that your profile protects you from harassment-sensitive posting that may be unpopular with other communities.

Is Facebook's anonymous post actually anonymous?

No, your Facebook post is not actually anonymous because your name and profile are visible to the group admin group moderator and visible to the Facebook community. To keep the group safe.


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