Applications of Chia seeds and its Health Benefits
Applications of Chia seeds and its Health Benefits
Chia seeds are effective against heartburn
Heartburn occurs when stomach acid from the stomach. A burning pain that rises from the stomach area behind the sternum, often paired with acid reflux is typical.
The sphincter between the esophagus and stomach, lets circumstances flow back leftovers along with aggressive stomach acid into the esophagus, triggering unpleasant symptoms.
Stress, an irritated stomach, too fat or too rich food, pregnant women, the pressure of the fetus on the stomach can heartburn cause.
It occurs regularly and violently, medical treatment is indicated, healthpally advised.
As first aid, Chia seeds, but are a good, side-effect-free means: A teaspoon of dry Chia seeds with subsequent cup water reliably binds excess stomach acid: the seeds absorb any liquid, in this case, the acid, the Heartburn remains.
Chia seeds & the regeneration of cells
After surgery or injury, but even after strenuous exercise, it is important that cells quickly regenerate, forming new tissue or muscles "set to".
Who enriches his breakfast cereal or yogurt with Chia seeds, remains not only long fed and this powerful, but promotes also the cell structure.
Not only the trace elements and vitamins in the Chia seeds, but also the high percentage of Omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids are responsible. Both are important building blocks for healthy metabolism.
Chia seeds for a healthy heart
Because the regular inclusion of Chia seeds provides the organism with abundant Omega-3 fatty acids, the ratio of "good" and "bad" cholesterol is soon balanced the risk of deposits in the blood vessels and associated Cardiovascular disease is reduced.
Especially the alpha-linolenic acid, known as ALA, improves the flow properties of the blood and the blood supply as a whole, according to health pally.
Too high blood pressure goes back: many good reasons to use Chia seeds as food.
Gradually, nutritionists and physicians find that Chia seeds yet very versatile are much than previously thought in the application.
Among others, their consumption can lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels, has a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems and may affect even brain activity.
The Maya and Aztecs, Chia seeds were known for their ability to bind toxins and acids and promote their excretion.
Other application areas are among the treatment of wounds, joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, or heartburn or the regulation of blood sugar levels, such as diabetes.
Chia seeds for Coeliacs
Many people suffer from gluten intolerance or a celiac disease and can digest poorly or not at all products of wheat flour: skin, digestive and respiratory system reacts differently violently with allergy symptoms, and patients are often generally dull and beaten off. Chia seeds are gluten-free.
Chia seeds against arthrosis and arthralgia
Arthritis - associated with chronic joint pain meets movement restrictions, many younger people.
The cause of osteoarthritis is the wear of layers of the cartilage in the joints.
Misalignment and biomechanical stress, sedentary overweight, bleeding or injury, allowing the joint to become unstable but also genetic defects or metabolic diseases can be the trigger.
The joint gap is reduced, the cartilage layer becomes thinner: persistent pain in motion, stop the pain, and morning stiffness is clear signs.
The organism, the 'abrasion residues' in the joint, trying to build tissue and cell remnants of damaged cartilage and bone, enzymes are formed that continue to attack the remaining cartilage layer and increase the inflammation process.
In addition, this stage is characterized by strong pain at rest.
To get the remaining cartilage layer, it is especially important to stop the inflammation in the joint in a timely manner.
Chia seeds are a complement of the dining receipt in arthritic disease.
They contain a high percentage of Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular of alpha-linolenic acid, (ALA).
This improves blood circulation, which supports the provision of joint cartilage with nutrients.
At the same time, ALA is strongly anti-inflammatory. In addition, there are Chia seeds rich in antioxidants and nutrients, which promote cell renewal, regeneration and healing ability after strenuous exercise or injury.